
Suggested publications on Ocean Acidification

Andersson AJ, Mackenzie FT, Bates NR (2008) Life on the margin: implications of ocean acidification on Mg-calcite, high latitude and cold-water marine calcifiers. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 373: 265–273. doi: 10.3354/meps07639

Bibby, R., Cleall-Harding, P., Rundle, S., Widdicombe, S., and Spicer, J. 2007. Ocean acidification disrupts induced defences in the intertidal gastropod Littorina littorea. Biology Letters, 3: 699–701.

Chatzinikolaou E, Grigoriou P, Martini E, Sterioti A. 2019. Impact of ocean acidification and warming on the feeding behaviour of two gastropod species. Mediterranean Marine Science. 20 (4): 669-679.

Chatzinikolaou E, Grigoriou P, Keklikoglou K, Faulwetter S, Papageorgiou N. 2017. The combined effects of reduced pH and elevated temperature on the shell density of two gastropod species measured using micro-CT imaging. ICES Journal of Marine Science. 74 (4): 1135-1149.

Comeau S, Gorsky G, Jeffree R, Teyssié JL, Gattuso JP. 2009. Impact of ocean acidification on a key Arctic pelagic mollusc (Limacina helicina). Biogeosciences 6: 1877–1882.

Cummings V, Hewitt J, Van Rooyen A, Currie K, Beard S, Thrush S, et al. 2011. Ocean Acidification at High Latitudes: Potential Effects on Functioning of the Antarctic Bivalve Laternula elliptica. PLoS ONE 6(1): e16069. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0016069.

Doney, S. C., Fabry, V. J., Feely, R. A., and Kleypas, J. A. 2009. Ocean acidification: the other CO2 problem. Annual Reviews of Marine Science, 1: 169–192.

Ellis R P, Davison W, Queiros A M, Kroeker K J, Calosi P, Dupont S, Spicer J I, Wilson R W, et. al. 2017. Does sex really matter? Explaining intraspecies variation in ocean acidification responses. Biol. Lett. 13: 20160761.

Gutowska MA, Melzner F, Pörtner HO, Meier S. 2010. Cuttlebone calcification increases during exposure to elevated seawater pCO in the cephalopod Sepia officinalis. Mar Biol 157: 1653–1663. doi: 10.1007/s00227-010-1438-0

Hofmann G E, O’Donnell M J, Todgham A E. 2008. Using functional genomics to explore the effects of ocean acidification on calcifying marine organisms. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 373: 219-225.

Hüning A K, Melzner F, Thomsen J, Gutowska M A, Krämer L, Frickenhaus S, Rosenstiel P, Pörtner H-O, Philipp E E R, Lucassen M. 2013. Impacts of seawater acidification on mantle gene expression patterns of the Baltic Sea blue mussel: implications for shell formation and energy metabolism. Marine Biology. 160:1845–1861. doi: 10.1007/s00227-012-1930-9

Hurst T P, Fernandez E R, Mathis J T, Miller J A, Stinson C M, Ahgeak E F. 2012. Resiliency of juvenile walleye pollock to projected levels of ocean acidification. Aquatic Biology. 17: 247-259. doi: 10.3354/ab00483

IPCC. 2014. Climate Change 2014: Synthesis Report. Contribution of Working Groups I, II and III to the 5th Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. (Ed. Pachauri R.K., Meyer L.A.) Geneva.

Liu W, Huang X, Lin J, He M. 2012. Seawater Acidification and Elevated Temperature Affect Gene Expression Patterns of the Pearl Oyster Pinctada fucata. PLoS ONE 7(3): e33679.

Melatunan S, Calosi P, Rundle S D, Widdicombe S, Moody A J. 2013. Effects of ocean acidification and elevated temperature on shell plasticity and its energetic basis in an intertidal gastropod. Mar Ecol Prog Ser, 472:155–168.

Nienhuis, S., Palmer, A. R., and Harley, C. D. G. 2010. Elevated CO2 affects shell dissolution rate but not calcification rate in a marine snail. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 277:2553–2558. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2010.0206

Orr, J.C.; Fabry, V.J.; Aumont, O.; Bopp, L.; Doney, S.C.; Feely, R.A.; Gnanadesikan, A.; et al. Anthropogenic ocean acidification over the twenty-first century and its impact on calcifying organisms. Nature 2005, 437, 681-686. doi:10.1038/nature04095

Perry D M, Redman D H, Widman J C, Meseck S, King A, Pereira J J. 2015. Effect of ocean acidification on growth and otolith condition of juvenile scup, Stenotomus chrysops. Ecology and Evolution. 5: 4187–4196. doi: 10.1002/ece3.1678

Pörtner HO, Langenbuch M, Reipschläger A (2004) Biological impact of elevated ocean CO2 concentrations: lessons from animal physiology and earth history. J Oceanogr 60:705–718.

Queiros, A. M., Fernandes, J. A., Faulwetter, S., Nunes, J., Rastrick, S. P. S. et al. 2015. Scaling up experimental ocean acidification and warming research: from individuals to the ecosystem. Global Change Biology, 21: 130–143.

Ries, J. B., Cohen, A. L., and McCorkle, D. C. 2009. Marine calcifiers exhibit mixed responses to CO2-induced ocean acidification. Geology, 37: 1131–1134.

Shirayama, Y. and Thornton, H. 2005. Effect of increased atmospheric CO2 on shallow water marine benthos. Journal of Geophysical Research, 110: C09S08.

Thomsen J, Melzner F (2010) Moderate seawater acidification does not elicit long-term metabolic depression in the blue mussel Mytilus edulis. Mar Biol 157(12):2667–2676.

Todgham AE, Hofmann GE. 2009. Transcriptomic response of sea urchin larvae Strongylocentrotus purpuratus to CO -driven seawater acidification. J Exp Biol 212: 2579–2594.Zhang, H., Shin, P. K. S., and Cheung, S. G. 2016. doi: 10.1242/jeb.032540.

Physiological responses and scope for growth in a marine scavenging gastropod, Nassarius festivus (Powys, 1835), are affected by salinity and temperature but not by ocean acidification. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 73: 814–824.

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