Scientific Responsible

Dr Eva Chatzinikolaou is the Scientific Responsible and Coordinator of the ECCO project. She is a post-doctoral researcher in the Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (HCMR) – Institute of Marine Biology, Biotechnology and Aquaculture since 2008. Her main research interests focus on ocean acidification, climate change, marine biodiversity and intertidal ecology. During her PhD in University of Wales (UK) she has studied invertebrate population dynamics, statoliths and growth, reproduction and larval development, as well as aspects of marine pollution. She is currently investigating the effects of climate change and ocean acidification on marine gastropods (projects AcidicOceans, MOUNT) using experimental treatments, micro-CT tomography and geometric morphometrics. She has recently been awarded with a 3-year postdoc funding (ELIDEK, HFRI) for the project ECCO. She has published more than 32 peer-reviewed scientific articles and book chapters, and has participated in several conferences. Guest editor in Biodiversity Data Journal; reviewer for 7 international peer-reviewed journals. She has wide experience on the implementation and management of European (7), regional (3) and national (8) research projects. She served as the Executive Project Manager of LifewatchGreece Research Infrastructure (ESFRI), which is the biodiversity database for Greece. Dr. Chatzinikolaou has also participated in the production of educational material for environmental education and the organisation of public communication activities.
Research Team Members

Dr Panos Grigoriou is a member of the Aquariology Department of the CretAquarium in the Hellenic Centre for Marine Research as an expert on cephalopods and corals. His main focus is on animal collection from wild stocks, rearing and welfare under laboratory conditions, investigating different growth conditions, behaviour, physiology and reproduction. He is also experienced on care and rehabilitation of injured sea turtles. He is a member of the scientific scuba diving team of HCMR. During his PhD in University of Wales (UK) he studied growth, reproduction and physiology of cephalopods. Dr Grigoriou participated as an invited early career scientist in the COST project “Conservation physiology of marine fishes” (FA1004). In addition, he has also participated as a Greek representative in the COST project “CephsInAction – A network for improvement of cephalopod welfare and husbandry in research, aquaculture and fisheries” (FA1301). He participated in the project AcidicOceans, funded by Latsis foundation, where the effects of ocean acidification on the calcified structures of benthic organisms were investigated. He has published many peer reviewed scientific articles and a book chapter, and has participated in several conferences. In recognition of his scientific potential and expertise he has been awarded with several awards and scholarships.

Mrs Kleoniki Keklikoglou is a Biologist with an MSc in Environmental Biology and Management of Terrestrial and Marine Biological Resources. Her main research interests include marine biodiversity
(especially benthic invertebrates), ecology, Micro-Computed tomography (micro-CT), ocean acidification and hard bottom sampling techniques. Has 10 publications and participated in more than 20 conferences. She is experienced in micro-CT technology, development of scanning protocols (sample preparation, scanning parameters), management of micro-CT image datasets and digitization of biological collections specimens. She has participated in the creation and management of the micro-CT Virtual Laboratory for LifeWatchGreece RI. She has knowledge on biodiversity data management and quality control using DarwinCore standards. Mrs Kleoniki Keklikoglou will mainly participate in WP2 (Tasks 2.1 and 2.2), but she will also take part in the activities of WP3, WP4 and WP5.

Dr Christos Arvanitidis is a Research Director and Head of the marine biodiversity laboratory in the Institute of Marine Biology, Biotechnology and Aquaculture (IMBBC) of the Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (HCMR). Involved in more than 50 research and education projects, coordinated 6. Research ID: 6 M€. With more than 60 peer-reviewed scientific publications and over 200 publications in total. Guest editor in the journals Marine Ecology Progress Series, Journal of Sea Research, member of the editorial board of Transitional Waters Bulletin, Associate Editor of Frontiers in Marine Science and Biodiversity Data Journal; reviewer in more than 40 international peer-reviewed journals. Member of SMEBD, WoRMS, IPA, ICES task group 6 working on the seafloor integrity, UN World Ocean Assessment and IMBE. His research focuses on marine biodiversity, functional diversity and on the comparisons of marine biodiversity information patterns deriving from various biological organization levels. He is the scientific responsible for the LifeWatchGreece RI hosted in HCMR.

Dr Aspasia Sterioti is a researcher in the Institute of Marine Biology, Biotechnology and Aquaculture (IMBBC) of the Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (HCMR) and the Head of the Aquariology Department of Cretaquarium. She is an elected member of the Executive Committee of the European Union Aquarium Curators (EUAC). She has 18 years of experience in marine live stock management, handling, maintenance and welfare. Her main scientific interests include marine finfish hatchery; embryonic, pre-larval, larval and post-larval stages; live food production; coloration of marine fish;

Dr Ioannis Parthenios is a principal scientist at the Institute of Chemical Engineering Sciences, Foundation for Research & Technology, Hellas (FORTH/ICE-HT), with a long experience in physics and
mechanical properties of graphene, production of high volume fraction carbon nanotube and graphene based polymer nanocomposites with superior mechanical properties. Has expertise in developing innovative instrumentation techniques for non-destructive testing of material, targeting at the use of spectroscopic technique (Raman, TERS and photoluminescence spectroscopies) in combination with Atomic Force Microscopy for stress/strain and temperature sensing at nanocomposites reinforced by graphitic structures and 2D materials. He is a distinguished member of the Hellenic Physical Society and Co-founder of FORTH Graphene Centre. Has 84 publications, 23 refereed proceedings books and more than 100 presentations in conferences (citations: > 2700, h=19).

Irene Filiopoulou is a mobile developer at the Hellenic Center for Marine Research (HCMR). She received her BSc and MSc degree in the fields of Information Systems and E-commerce Technologies in Computer Science Department from the University of Crete. She has worked in the Multimedia Laboratory at the University Of Crete as a mobile developer and in the Transformation Service Laboratory, also at University of Crete, where she has been involved in several projects. She has taught informatics lessons at Technological Educational Institute of Crete as an external laboratory partner (2009-2014).

Emmanouela Panteri is a Web Developer at the Hellenic Center for Marine Research (HCMR). She has a BSc degree in Computer Science, specialized in Database Development, Data Integration and Web-Based Applications. Currently involved in the development and implementation of citizen science projects, that aims at engaging citizen scientists in a coastal marine biodiversity observation network. Her focus is on data integration between web-based platforms and mobile/tablet applications. Within ECCO Project she is now developing/supporting the ECCO website.